In trying to understand God,
man runs into a danger of
making a god of his understanding.
The search of divinity need to be in humility.
In trying to understand love, we may well fall in love,
with our understanding and so confuse
our understanding of love with the act of loving.
In trying to understand our faith
and in the very act of understanding,
men sometimes foolishly and in pride
think that their understanding
of faith is the guarantee that they have faith.
Faith can only be truly understood
by those who love it
as man can only be understood by
those who care for people,
not necessarily by those
who lecture on people or preach to people.
Those who try to explain
our faith in God runs into the
danger of missing the point of faith;
that the God of our faith
is infinitely beyond
our faith in God.
For divine mystery
is beyond human mystery.