Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Joy in the Rain
Every day Ihave to commute three times in going to my work.
One even before sunrise heavy rains come. No choice I have to go to my work.
AsI take my second ride , the car that I take sudenly stop. Something wrong with one of the wheels. How bad! I have to rash to find another ride amidst of the falling rain. Good that I have
good rain coat given to me by my high classmate. Along the road amidst of the rain waiting for
another ride. The situation could be disgusting, erratating but what calm me is that as I turn
look to the shoulder of the road. The poor driver without any caot under the heavy rain tunning his jeep and manipulate the wheel inorder to change it. If we passengers look pitty
there is one guy who struggle than me amidst of the cold heavy rain.
Sometimes we can think we are the most neglected person in the world. We though nothing
good would come to us. But let us remember , that if we suffer, other sometimes suffer more than us.
Friday, January 9, 2009
pray and believe . Because prayers are missing in my routine.
And for this day, I allowed myself to be vulnerable not in front of the crowd
but in front of own self.
It was once said, " unexamined life is worthless"...The two days retreat that was held last January 8-9, 2009 at Nazareth Retreat House was blessing and opportunity given by God to me. Thru this retreat I have learned the importance of forgiveness to our life as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ.
An activity about " Recognizing my Wounded World ", was the most uplifting and enlightening to me because through this activity I was to recognize and share the message of my heart. The activity opens my eyes to the reality that I am not alone carrying the baggage's if different circumstances. I feel the sympathey and sincerity of my co-retreatants especially when they offered prayers to my mother who is struggling as a cancer patient. I feel the goodness and the embrace of God whenever I look at and see my co-retreatants because I know they are all God's blessing to me
I am thankful for this wonderful experience which allows me to share and celebrate life with God's providence and Will. by:beth

Life is full of colors; colors that represents into different emotions and experiences that leads our self to grow as who we are, and change for the better. Retreat is a moment for me to let myself rest and think about of what is happening in my life.It is a call of God to surrender all my hatred and angers to others. It is a ways where in I could forgive others and a tool for letting myself be close to God. anonymous
"UNEXAMINED LIFE IS NOT WORTH LIVING"... This is the most striking lines that opens my mind amidst of doubts, uncertainty and confusions about life. The retreat was a helpto me to examine my life. it was avenue for for me see my life, my weaknesses, my strength and to recognize my wounded heart. I was able also to communicate with Godwholeheartedly. And see the purpose of my existence.The opportunity of seeing the lives of others that leads me lesson and reason tobe thankful especially to GOD. I blessed because I learn how to forgive. mem
LET GO......Learning to let go of the past and move on to a better horizon, that's one of the many things I have learned from a retreat Mistakes cannot be straighten by another mistakes. I learned to admit my mistakes and submit every thing to God. I learn to forgive myself of my mistakes thus helping me to forgive others. I realize how beautiful life is, especially the difficulties and that we were experienced for God will always be there with me no matter what happens, He will not leave me.nhong