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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Call of the Time

When I was a child my world was limited and same too with my responsibility.
Being a youngest the family life was not so demanding. Life was about play. Even when I was
a teen age girl life was so relax, as if I was walking at the middle of the road. But, when I started in college missionary calling to do something meaningful for me and others started to crap up
into my mind and heart. Family demand was visible for me. Much more when I started working missionary activity within and out side the church was so clear to me, in the school, in
the community, and in the family.
In the 1983, my mother got sick, she was bedridden for 3 months and gradually recovered.
She suffered by a lingering illness for 3 years. I stop working and nurse my mother in full time.
It was a privilege moment for me because not all children could take care their own parents.
In 1985 my mother died. I was left with my father who was i his aging years too. Five years after my father got married again to a widow, and in 2002 my father died at almost 90 years
of age. Today I have another missionary activity in the family which us to take care of my aged
step-mother. Life is call. A call to care. A call to love. It is continuous calling which also continues experiencing the blessing of God.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Symbol of Beauty

A Symbol of Beauty

On my way to my work I passed by Water District Office to pay my monthly water bills.
As went out from the said office and waiting for a Jeep going to my work as gazed the long winding road the beauty of the rainbow fascinated me so much. It is clearly seen by my naked eyes. As I stare in it, my heart rejoices. rainbow gives positive spirit in me this morning. The rainbow that I keep on gazing brings me recall God's covenant with Noah. The rainbow that I 've seen brings me to assurance of God's promises, His faithfulness and love to His people. It's beauty with different colors symbolizes the colorful and beauty of life. That life is beautiful and colorful. The different colors signifies the different emotions of a person.