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Wednesday, November 30, 2011


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When was that?  Sorry I could not remember exactly the date. What is clear to me  at my adult age this time is the experience of receiving Jesus in my life. Before receiving Him, I encountered and loving presence of Jesus  the sacrament   reconciliation and then the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. It was an of experience of sacredness. I really felt the holy presence of God at that very moment

Today on this 30th. day of November the  grade 3 pupils of the Holy Cross of Davao College Grade School Department receive Jesus in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. I do believe also that  these young beys ad girls feel the holy and loving presence of Jesus on their First Holy Communion.

During the celebration of the Holy Mass the children joyfully professed their faith and boldly rejected Satan . They also stood up for what they understand. They fully understood that Jesus is the food of their soul as little members of the Church.
The children sung beautifully the songs during the Mass presided by Fr. Arnel Tadeo with Msgr. Julius Rodulfa the school president .The venue adds to the solemnity if the celebration the Sta, Ana Shrine of Davao City.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Teaching Job

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Are you ready to find a teaching job?
Guide to Getting the Teaching Job of Your Dreams
Teacher Interview Questions, Resume and Cover Letter Help, and More!


You've finished college.  You're done with your student teaching.  Maybe you've been subbing, or maybe you're a teacher's aide.  Now is the time to get the real, full-time teaching job you've been dreaming of.

The Guide to Getting the Teaching Job of Your Dreams was written by me (a veteran teacher and experienced teacher interviewer), to help you get the teaching job you've been dreaming of.  I've worked in two different school districts and have many years of public school teaching experience.  I've also been on many interview committees, where I've helped to seek out and hire the most qualified candidates. 

I want your job search to go as smoothly as possible, so I wrote an eBook filled with tips, strategies, advice, and procedures that will help you find and land the teaching job that you've been searching for.   I'm confident my eBook can help you.

It's a complete guidebook for student teachers who are hunting for their first job, substitute teachers and teacher aides who would like to advance their career to the next level, and  experienced educators who are looking for a job at a new school. Try to find here

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Protestant Church Sold to Catholic Church

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The famous protestant Crystal Cathedral will be sold to the Catholic Church of the Diocese of Orange. Crystal Cathedral is very beautiful gleaming glass church building which is the heart of the Protestant Church in California. The move to sell the Church was approved last Thursday by  U. S Bankruptcy Court Judge Robert N. Kwan . This moved was opposed by many members of the Church thinking that this will be the end of their  church.

Crytal cathedral is costly building church in Los Angeles, California whi h made up of 10,000 panes of glass. The  local ordinary of the Diocese of Orange is so optimistic of this buying of Crystal Cathedral.

'It will become a true centre for our Catholic community in Orange County,' Bishop Tod D. Brown told reporters after Thursday's packed hearing in federal bankruptcy court.

Crystal Cathedral was sold to the Diocese of Orange County for $57.5million
This protestant church building will remain a religious institution and sacred place for worship.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What we Ought To Be

Human being conduct what what we call human conduct. Observed to what is ought to be by the reason of what he is. Precisely he act differently to lower animals though science categorize him as an animals . A dog may carry his foot upon urinating but a person doesn't behave that way. He has an intellect and will. Man has the capacity to understand what is right and wrong and with the light of revelation he is gifted to choose right and good. Why ? Because man is GOOD. Man is not good only because he has so much capabilities. He is good because he is created good. As created good he ought to be good.

Why there are lot of badness around? Because often times s we choose to become one. Doing something opposite to goodness trapt us to think it is pleasurable. So sad it is just momentarily happiness. Bad action would compound and lead one to another bad action, feeling and would lead us to miserable.

Sometimes we think and become envy to people doing immoral acts. Seemingly they are successful and enjoy so much goodness in life. Pause for a minute! Are they really happy and at peace?

By discovering the source of good who is also the source the of life would bring us to choose what is good. For life has a purpose of what ought to be. Live life with a sense mission.

PS. By discovering the source of good who is also the source the of life would bring us to choose what is good. For life has a purpose of what ought to be