People were so busy two days before the year 2012 has ended. Busy for what? Busy for catching for good luck. How did you end your 2012? Nothing unusual for me. I do my routine at home, cleaning the surrounding and inside the house. I spent my last 30 minutes praying the Rosary with my sister. I thank and praise God for all the "whole year round" blessings received .
Monday, December 31, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Giving Extra on Christmas
years ago, I celebrated Christmas with a unique baby Jesus. To care a
newly born baby needs many extras. You need extra patient to care
and wake up at the middle of the night just to change diapers. You give
extra time to check if the child is hungry.
This was my
experienced of a Christmas two years ago. Jesus came to us not a form
of a baby but through an old woman. A bed ridden and dying woman. I
give so many extras of my time, patience, love and care. My Christmas at
that time was so meaningful and fulfilling for I was able by God's
Grace accompany this old woman until her death. Why? Not because I was
inspired , but because of of the Love of Jesus . The love of Jesus
who's birth we celebrates this time pushed me to sacrifice my comfort so
I could give her the comfort before she died.
On the first
Christmas, God sacrifice His comfort in living His throne, and became
helpless child in the manger. It was His great love that pushed Himself
to be with us... Emmanuel .. " For God so love the world that He gave
His only begotten Son".
Saturday, December 22, 2012
What Do You Think After the Third Reading of the RH Bill?
Finally Philippine law makers passed the controversial RH Bill which the Church in the Philippines strongly opposed. Is the Catholic Church losing? I don't think so. It is not a matter of losing and winning. Life has to go on. Faith in God and in the Church has to be more alive.
I believe God allows this to happened. If the Anti-RH were not successful in opposing it, but the highest Law Maker was victorious. He won in the heart of every authentic believer who believe that life is sacred. That our body is sacred and it is the temple of the Holy Spirit. That sex is a gift from Him and it is power given to us by God to be exercised in the right context.
I feel today that I have to be bold on my faith. There is a call for mission to evangelize and witness the Kingdom of God in our midst. There is a call to overcome evil with good.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
Finally Philippine law makers passed the controversial RH Bill which the Church in the Philippines strongly opposed. Is the Catholic Church losing? I don't think so. It is not a matter of losing and winning. Life has to go on. Faith in God and in the Church has to be more alive.
I believe God allows this to happened. If the Anti-RH were not successful in opposing it, but the highest Law Maker was victorious. He won in the heart of every authentic believer who believe that life is sacred. That our body is sacred and it is the temple of the Holy Spirit. That sex is a gift from Him and it is power given to us by God to be exercised in the right context.
I feel today that I have to be bold on my faith. There is a call for mission to evangelize and witness the Kingdom of God in our midst. There is a call to overcome evil with good.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
Monday, December 3, 2012
The Visit of Typhoon Pablo
As we are in the Season of Advent , we the Mindanaoans visited by typhoon pablo. Pablo is un invited visitor who insisted to come whether we like it or not. Worse! He is not a friendly visitor. He brings devastation to the properties of many and even lives. Shall we run after him? Who will pay for his damaged?
Sad to accept, Typhoon Pablo will just say, bury your dead. Heal your sick. Take care of your own farms. Do make all the repairs. What does it mean? It is not easy to rejoice when we are in calamities. In whatever situation , we are advise to " to rejoice in the Lord always" Philippians 4:4 . Do not be anxious about anything. but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving , present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcend all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus ( Philippians 4:6-7 ).
Mindanao will stand as Mindanaoans will help each other after the visit of Typhoon Pablo. Yes, we ourselves pay to what Pablo has done. God will restore our land. Mindanao as the promised land.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Why Afraid of a girl? A Woman?
In some countries of the world today , woman are being harassed , abused , killed, and if they are pregnant with a baby girl in their womb they are forced to abort the child. Worst! Mothers themselves will abort the child upon knowing through scans that it is girl.
Why afraid of a girl? What is the reason? Over population! Poverty! Is it logical? Is it sound reason?
If this persist, you may reduce the population but you will have imbalance world of its inhabitants.
Why hate other gender? If one appreciate his own self and being, he will also appreciate the other.
Learn to understand woman... a girl... a female. Understand your source of life. Surely you will love yourself and others.. both man and woman.
Don't be afraid of a Woman, even the bible exalts women. Women bear the stamp of God'sown image ( Gen. 1:27, 5:1-2 ). Wives are seen as venerated partners and cherished companions to their husbands, not merely slaves or pieces of household furniture ( Gen.2:20-24 Prov. 19:14, Ecc.9:9).
Men and women has divine role distinctions. Women have a unique and vial role in childbearing and the nurturing of little ones. While men as becoming a husband has the role of being the head of the family and protector of the home.
P.S. Don't be afraid of a Woman, even the bible exalts women. Women bear the stamp of God'sown image ( Gen. 1:27, 5:1-2 )
Monday, November 12, 2012
Do You Promote Gendercide?
A Girl is a human being. She is created by God as a woman ( female ). She is to be cherished and to be protected.
Stop killing girls just because they are girls.
A girl is not just a girl, but an image of God. She shares the life of God. She is sacred.
A girl is not just a girl, but an image of God. She shares the life of God. She is sacred.
Friday, November 2, 2012
My Mission and Passion
I feel rewarded of my passion and mission to care our mother earth by restoring the richness of the soil through propagating and go into African night crawler culture ( Vermi Culture ). Just while ago I read an email of someone name Jeffrey who owns a big farm somewhere in Tarlac. He asked me if I'm selling ANC worms.
Hopefully, my vermi culture and love of gardening would turn into enterprenuer. May God bless
this endeavor for His greater glory . How I wish also that it could be of help to the Lay Women Missionaries.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Ministry is a way of touching other people's lives, Our work , in whatever forms is our ministry. Sometimes we understand ministry with capital "M" , a church related activities. Small "m" which we usually do is just making ordinary service to others. It is in our work that we become true to our self as we live the good value of compassion and fairness.
Ministry is a Call.
We are called to do a task . And this task will be expressed in a different areas and location. The place where we work we become agent of change. What it means to be an agent of change? What you are , is even more than what you do, has an impact on people in our workplace. Self awareness in needed here. Being conscious of where we are and what we are doing.
Christians with a Mission
As baptized we shared the mission of Jesus Christ.
Being a prophet, king and a Priest.
We are a prophet by witnessing through words and actions in spirit of love. Saying kind words and doing loving actions is not limited in the sphere of church organization. This can be done in the family, community and in our working place. We serve as king by rendering service and we exercise our priesthood by our life of prayers.
The Vatican II and the Synod of the Laity states, "All the baptized participate in the mission, in the world; the church secular vocation, but to do so in different ways. For lay Christians , their presence and activity in the world is not simply accidental; rather it is central to their vocation ; the "world" is the environment and the means by which a lay christian lives out his vocation".
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Life is like a Boat
The first time that I traveled by boat I experienced uncertainty on the middle of the sea.
No land visibility . I had secret question that I was ashamed to ask, Could this vessel surely reach to our destination? I forgot that there is a captain in the boat who knows very well and will bring us all to our destination .
Our journey in life sometimes goes like taking a boat . In the long run of our journey we feel uncertain of what is ahead of us. We forget that there is a loving Captain in life's journey who will bring us safe to the our future . Though we don't know what will be there in coming days and years in life but God is there who hold tomorrow and hold our hand.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Our Package Mission
The call to stewardship is so urgent in this erratic climate. Sunny today, tomorrow will be a heavy rain. Here comes a flood!
One has to organize oneself what simple contribution we share to our environment. I find one, and that is waste segregation. Another is vermi culture, raising red worms that will compost our daily waste and turn it to organic fertilizer. This could be a mission that we can do to world. When God created us our mission is packaged into it. Sharing with others our passion of caring people and environment in producing organic fertilizer, organic food from organic plants and organic way of raising animal farms all these would help our world clean and healthy.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
What next After 3 Years
June of 2009, there Campus Ministry of our a reshuffling that took place in our office. I was assigned in the Campus Ministry of Grade School Department. I was surrounded by children of different grade levels. My ministry was challenging but what is consoling is that God never abandoned me. He guide me in my day to day task as I carry out my mission. I enjoy preparing the grade 3 pupils for their first communion, Organizing the grade 1, 2, and 4 pupils for their meaningful Children's Encounter. I had also a memorable expereince of coordinating and preparing the grade 6 pupils for their Pre Graduation Retreat.
To see Jesus in the faces of innocent children is worth remembering. To feel the support of the teachers and staff are moments that can't be equaled to any amount of money or material things. Everyone in the campus touches me. Every activities I engaged made me grow and learn something new. The seminars that I conducted deepen my faith and learning skills. My years stay at PHGS-HCDC Grade School was an opportunity for me to serve God and others, allows me relate harmoniously with rest members of the community and at same time exercise
my leadership skills and grow professionally. It was a memorable missionary experience.
What next after 3 years? I am now back at the Holy Cross of Davao College main campus. I feel stranger looking with grown ups and adults at the beginning. But, I believe God with His spirit always at my side. He is more bigger and greater than these big people around.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
My dream course was agriculture
Since my childhood I have a passion in farming. In fact my dream course was agriculture. My parents has another dream for me. Anyway, my dream was not realized and same to my parents dream. Thanks be to God I still finished college. My love for environment, plants and animals is rooted to my heart that today I gradually realized my passion through hobbies. Gardening and raising backyard vermi feed chicken, and vermi culture.
Friday, February 24, 2012
What are Possible OutCome of Absentee Parents?
Now a days due to financial demand many parents from developing countries will go to other countries to look for greener Pasteur for economic and financial reason leaving their children and wife or husband at home. Their are cases also that both the father and mother will leave and the children's are left to the relatives.
As being and observed and studied there are problems encountered to many absentee parents but not all specially if children are still very young and needs parental guidance.such as;
- low academic performance
- low self esteem
- lack of discipline
These are realities that parents has to look into before making big decision of out the country.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Accompanying A Sister
One of my sisters has an eye cataract and she wanted to be operated. Despite her blurred sight she was able to manage to the UCCP Foundation who has a program for the who have eye ailments. Upon receiving suggestions and preparation she was still able to managed of visiting my office to ask for a help. I was moved by her gesture of visiting my office and ask me to accompany her for medical laboratory. Being touched of her situation I leave from my work for one day just to accompany her to the hospital.That situation calls me to love Jesus in my sister. I am happy that the Lord gives me the grace to reach out people in need.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
What it means to Love?
Love month is exiting to many especially for young peopleand for lovers.
But, what it means to love? Almost everyone has their own meaning of love. Many would identify it to emotions. Is it really an emotions? Many would say that emotions would just give color to love.
An old and clear description of love is given to us by St. Paul in his writing to the people of Corinth.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails .. 1 Cor. 13:4-8
Colorful isn't it? Colored with many kinds of feelings. What feeling is absent? The feeling of hatred.
How is your heart today ? Filled with love or hatred?
Sunday, February 5, 2012
"Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled"
Our Lord Jesus teaches us where to put our heart and what to ponder about. Many young people when February comes are in trouble for they would say, we are loveless. This statement is contrary to the very nature of the heart , to love. Is there a loveless person? A person who are not loved?
In this month of heart and Valentine Day, Jesus reminded us not to let our hearts be troubled ( Jn 14:1) . Keep in mind that someone loves you unconditionally to the point of giving Himself to the Cross.. and He is Jesus our Lord.
You don't have someone special? Do you think you are not special?. Believe that you aresomeone special in the eyes and heart of God and accept Jesus as your special someone.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
What can I do with Small Lot Area?
Since childhood I love farm, precisely because I grow up in the farm. When I became a profssional this love remains in me. I personally planted fruits tress like rambutan, durian , and lanzones Years later I moved to the urban and occupied in 120 square meter lot area but my passion and love in soil still remained. What can I do with small lot area? From fruit trees I moved to ornamental plants around my house. I planted lucky plants, sansevieria, and agloanema. To maintain the plants I use vermi cast to fertilize my ornamental plants. Fortunately lucky plants are now on sale for wedding give a ways. Now my passion in gardening started to link into enterprising. Started in a form a hobby and become an enterprise which is part of my mission .
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Go up to the Mountain
For the past 3 days I went to the mountain of South Cotabato in the monastery of the Our Lady of Mt. Matutum. It was a recharging days of spiritual journey with my co campus ministers with Fr. Robert Adam Cajepo as our retreat guide. The early morning chants of the nuns in their lauds was so inspiring. I find them as true symbol of God's Kingdom in the world. These nuns live in spirituality of Work and Pray ( Ora et Labora ) . I am touched on how they divided their hours of work and prayer and live according to the promise of God, living in hundred fold.
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