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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Why Afraid of a girl? A Woman?

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In some countries of the world today , woman are being harassed , abused , killed, and if they are pregnant with a baby  girl in their womb they are forced to abort the child. Worst! Mothers  themselves will abort the child upon knowing through scans that it is girl.

Why afraid of a girl? What is the reason? Over population! Poverty! Is it logical? Is it sound reason?
If this persist, you may reduce the population but you will have imbalance world of its inhabitants.

Why  hate other gender? If one appreciate his own self and being, he will also appreciate the other.

Learn to understand woman... a girl... a female. Understand your source of life.  Surely you will love yourself and others.. both man and woman.

Don't be afraid of a Woman, even the bible exalts women. Women bear the stamp of God'sown image ( Gen. 1:27, 5:1-2 )Wives are seen as venerated partners and cherished companions to their husbands, not merely slaves or pieces of household furniture   ( Gen.2:20-24 Prov. 19:14, Ecc.9:9).

Men and women has divine role distinctions. Women have a unique and vial role in childbearing and the nurturing of little ones. While men as becoming a husband has the role of being the head of  the family and protector  of the home.

P.S. Don't be afraid of a Woman, even the bible exalts women. Women bear the stamp of God'sown image ( Gen. 1:27, 5:1-2 )

Monday, November 12, 2012

Do You Promote Gendercide?

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A Girl is  a human being. She is created by God as a woman ( female ). She is  to be cherished and  to be protected.
Stop killing girls just because they  are girls.
A girl is not just a girl, but  an image of God. She shares the life of God. She is sacred.

Friday, November 2, 2012

My Mission and Passion

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I feel rewarded of my passion and mission to care our mother earth by restoring   the richness of  the soil through propagating and go into  African night crawler culture ( Vermi Culture ).  Just while ago I read an email of  someone name Jeffrey who owns a big farm somewhere in Tarlac. He asked me if I'm selling ANC worms. 

Hopefully,  my vermi culture and love of gardening would turn into enterprenuer. May God bless 
this endeavor for His greater glory . How I wish also that it could be of help to the Lay Women Missionaries.