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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Recalling and Imagening the Crucified Christ

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As I woke up early of Good Friday I  decided not to join the The Way of the Cross organized by our parish, instead I prayed the Rosary and meditating the suffering, death and crucifixion  of Jesus. I spend this good Friday as day of  recollection and prayer. I read few chapters of the book Finding God in All Things by William A. Barry, SJ.  This is a good book to anyone wants to make spiritual exercises for it contents spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius. In my reading I was lead to recall and imagine Christ who crucified on the cross. Before the crucified Jesus I ponder the great love of God who created me. The awesome God who became man that I may have eternal life. Now, here  He is crucified on the cross. I reflect myself and ask, 
        "  What I have done for Christ? What I am doing for Christ? What ought to do for Christ? AS I behold Christ in this plight, nailed on the cross, I shall ponder what presents itself to my mind " ( Spiritual Exercise n. 53 )

This meditation on the on the St. Ignatius leads me to see my own sinfulness and the mystery of sin. Sin which has two dimension. Personal and Social. Gazing intently to the crucified Jesus leads me to the purpose of God in creating me and of sharing His life. He wanted to exists with me. He has the BEST interest in me . He wants me to live with Him forever. This is the desire and the plan of God at the very beginning. 

The great petition of  Jesus to the Father on the cross,  "FATHER, FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING" Luke 23:34 ,  echoes to my whole being . I will ask and accept God's forgiveness and I will forgive others.