At the begging it sounds confusing, but later on it became amusing. This is my experience of having two name with two birthdays. I grew up knowing that my name is FLORDELUNA. When I was in college, as our school registrar required us to submit our birth certificate it was found out that my name is FLODELUNA. Since childhood up to first year college I celebrated my birthday every May 23. When I saw my birth certificate, my birth date is May 24. Which is which? Either of the two. Both are important to me.
Today, I embrace this two names. Flordeluna, the flower of the moon. Flodeluna, the simple flower on earth. I celebrated these two dates. A two day birthday celebration. Wow! Fantastic! I honor the Holy Spirit as my guide in this two days celebration. I offer Holy Mass and a novena to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives the joy in my life.
Tomorrow and the following day ( May 23 & 24 is another joyful days of celebration of the gift of life God has given unto me. Two days of celebrating the goodness and the love of God and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in my life. He is guide, and my protector. Thank you Holy Spirit!
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